How different is advertisement translation from literature, science and technology news? Today, Shanghai Zhenyun translation company shares with you the influence of translation on advertisement?
Different values: there are differences between Chinese and foreign cultures. Therefore, when translating, we should combine the national conditions and translate according to the national conditions, so that the public can better accept the products and better understand the products. Only with the broad market and the cognitive rate of consumers can the products be sold better.
Different psychological structure: due to the influence of various factors such as culture and national conditions, is shopping psychology different between China and foreign countries? China's mind is biased towards conformity, human feelings are supreme and equalitarianism. However, the psychological structure of foreign people is complex and loose, and its basic contents are "humanism", "cognition" and "behavior", forming the unique cultural psychology of the West.
The influence of different regions and cultural environment: China, as the four ancient civilization countries, is located in a fertile land, which derives "family standard" based on the place of residence, and has a strong family concept; while the western countries are not as long as the Chinese nation, because of their narrow geographical location, frequent migration, and the weakening of home concept, they emphasize free life and personal adventure and transcendence.
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