


  In order to improve our corporate image, it's very important for us to put a lot of advertisements. What's the importance of sharing advertisement translation with you?


  Translation is very important in the process of translating English expressions of various advertisements into Chinese expressions. The successful translation can make the products sell better, increase the popularity of the enterprise, and achieve the expected results. The purpose of advertisement translation is exactly the same as that of advertisement, that is, to achieve the function of good promotion and purchase induction. If an advertisement translation is good and can be accepted by the broad audience, then the advertisement translation is successful.


  Good advertisement translation can more clearly express the function, theme and information of the product. Due to the influence of historical culture and other factors, it can't translate the surface meaning directly. It's not ideal to translate the original advertisement text by literal translation. Many people may not understand the content and content of the advertisement If you can't understand the product better, you can't sell very much.


  To do a good job in advertising translation, the translator must have a deep understanding of the deep meaning of advertising. If the translator is hazy about the expression of advertising, and the concept is not clear, the result can be imagined. Only when the translator fully understands the main idea of the advertisement can he better translate the advertisement and express the main idea of the advertisement.


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