


  In literary translation, the translator should constantly experience the original author's central idea and the subject content to be expressed. Only when the translator fully understands what the original author wants to express, can the translation be better. What's the problem of sharing literary translation with you?


  Literary translation is different from other fields of translation. Not only do we need to understand the central idea of the original author and the theme of the article to be conveyed, but also the translator has profound literary skills. If a good article does not have good literary skills, the translated version will not make the reader feel the same. Maybe the reader will feel confused. This is the requirement for the translator It's quite high.


  Generally speaking, the author of the original text likes to find his own long-term cooperative translator to translate his works, because long-term cooperation, mutual understanding, long-term cooperation may also become friends, so that he can be more familiar with each other's life habits, will also increase his understanding of other's emotional aspects, and plays an important role in the effect of translation.


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